Tuesday 28 August 2012

CAP submission to House of Commons Finance Committee

CAP submission to House of Commons Finance Committee: http://www.cap.ca/en/news/2012-07-29/cap-submission-house-commons-finance-committee ... among recommendations is to preserve the basic research capabilities currently housed in federal organizations: "While the economy will benefit from industry-driven research at AECL and NRC, which are being restructured, these organizations also support basic research and access to large-scale research infrastructure. The basic research capacity at other federal organizations, such as CSA and Environment Canada, is being reduced. Transferring these functions to other organizations may be the best way to preserve them if these functions no longer fit their current organizational mandates." the full pdf document is found at this link... will any one listen???
The other noteworthy recommendation is to create a Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI): "The Jenkins report recommended creating a Minister for Innovation. In fact, Canada needs a Minister that can give full attention to the entire STI spectrum because of the critical importance of STI to productivity, and because technological innovation cannot be separated from the research that makes it possible.
Ultimately, these improvements will translate into more research outcomes such as technological advances that increase productivity overall."

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